Thu 02 Jan
—★ ★— B.W.C MASSAGE. HOME OF THE KOREAN BACKWALK!! —★ ★—— 703—543—2425 ——★ - 28
(CENTREVILLE, VA. 703.543.2425, Northern Virginia)
█•❤Brazilian Bombshell KILLER Curves•❤•█Start the year off right and make Fantasy come TRUE!Reviewed - 24
(Northern Virginia, Arlington)
███████ ★— BRAND NEW ASIAN & PRETTY LITTLE FRIEND!! —★ █▓█▓█▓█ ★—— 703—992—7620 ——★ - 23
(Northern Virginia, ALEXANDRIA / 236/395/ 4810 Beauregard G7)
🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎 FAIREST 🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎 TODAY IS YOUR LUCKY DAY 🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎 NEW STAFF 🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎 - 25
BuStY BrUnEtTe BoDy RuB SpeciaLiSt!!! sENsUAL Busty eROTIc mAssAGEs!! SupeR SpEciaLs - 23
(Northern Virginia, Springfield MaLL iNcaLL Specials)
B E ST A SIAN B oDy R uB __ sexy staff - 25
(Northern Virginia, HERNDON, VA (703-464-0007))
Annandale/ Springfield/ Alexandria [] BKY THERAPY[] _ Relax your MiNd & EnjoY Oriental Massage! === - 28
(Northern Virginia, 703-750-0555 Annandale)
BuStY BrUnEtTe BoDy RuB SpeciaLiSt!!! Specials sENsUAL Busty eROTIc mAssAGE SpEciaLs - 23
(Northern Virginia, Springfield MaLL iNcaLL Specials)
███▒║— ❤❤❤— AMAZING RELAXATION! —★ ★— BRAND NEW CUTIES!! —★ █▓█▓█▓█ ★—— EDEN SPA —— 703-992-7620 ★ █ - 22
(Northern Virginia, ALEXANDRIA / 236/395/ 4810 Beauregard G7)
BLAST OFF!! ------ Sensual Body Massage available today * In clean/quiet PRIVATE residence - 42
(Northern Virginia, Clifton-Ffx- Centreville)
★ —— ALL NEW!! ——— ★ ——— _S_W_A_N__ - S_P_A —— ★ ———— FALL SPECIAL GOING ON NOW! - 22
(Northern Virginia, =====703-575-9666==ALEXANDRIA, VA)
Classy Lady for Gentlemen that need Pampering & Relaxation, Un-Rushed Sessions.I Do Have Reviews - 34
Annandale INCALL!!!!4 hands are always better then 2!!! - 30
(Northern Virginia, Springfield InCall)
███▒║— ❤❤❤— AMAZING SISTERS! —★ ★— BRAND NEW CUTIES!! —★ █▓█▓█▓█ ★—— EDEN SPA —— 703-992-7620 ★ █ - 23
(Northern Virginia, ALEXANDRIA / 236/395/ 4810 Beauregard G7)