Tue 21 Jan
New in Town!!Hot tub**Plush Massage 513 923 3837 - 23
(Cincinnati, Cincinnati off 275 take Colerain exi fro)
🌸🌸🌸New ladies.👠🌺🌺🌺🌺Upscale Spa! 513-923-3837 - 24
(Cincinnati, Cincinnati off 275 take Colerain exit)
💅🏼Looking For US😮😮513'923-3837👠New ladies👠💄🌹 - 24
(Cincinnati, Cincinnati off 275 take Colerain exit fr)
--I☆☆'m a Romantic☆SeXY,☆ NauGhty-Gurl!! 2 HoT 2 HaNdLE+Exotic Eruption - 69
(Columbus, EROTIC♥Pleasure incall. or. outcall)
☆☆☆Grand Opening☆☆☆New ladies.👠☆☆Upscale Spa! - 24
(Cincinnati, Cincinnati off 275 take Colerain exit)
☆Grand Opening☆PLUSH☆All American Spa☆513-923-3837 ♡ - 23
(Cincinnati, Cincinnati off 275 take Colerain exit, Dayton)
VoluPtioUs VixEn--Sooo SaTisfyinG. 🔴 HoT! All The TiMe - 42
(913 605 4077 EasY AccEss to 69, Kansas City)
*YES* I Am Still Around ... *-*INCALL*-* and *-*OUTCALL*-* Available ... *YES* I am Still Available - 69
(Kansas City, Kansas City Metro Area)
🌸Come RELAX at PLUSH🌸🌸 Spa 🌸🌸🌸513-923-3837 💅🏼 - 24
(Cincinnati, Cincinnati off 275 take Colerain exit)
☆Bomb.com All American Spa♡ Hot Tub/Sauna Specials! ☆513'923-3837☆ - 23
(Cincinnati, Cincinnati 275 take Colerain exit from)
💅🏼💅🏼4 Hand massage 🎉♡Plush Massage Spa 513'923-3837 - 24
(Cincinnati, Cincinnati off 275 take Colerain exit fr)
Classy Facility ☆PLUSH MASSAGE ☆Grand Opening 513-923-3837 - 23
(Cincinnati, Cincinnati off 275 take Colerain exi fro)
🌸🌸🌸New ladies.👠🌺🌺🌺🌺Upscale Spa! 513-923-3837 - 24
(Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cincinnati off 275 take Colerain exit, Columbus, Dayton, Toledo)
*** -------------- *** _____ CUTIE JAPANESE ^^^^^^^^ SENSUAL SKIN RUBS _____ ****** ---- **** - 25
(Henderson, Henderson, Las Vegas, Las Vegas)
"Hey Guys. you want to see ur special girl with benefits ?" _913. 565 5221.. - 48
(Kansas City, kc south area /i435 - i 69 KS my locatio)
"Hey Guys...I'll let you in on a little secret i have. 4 u. " _913. 565 5221.. - 48
(Kansas City, kc south area /i435 - i 69 KS my locatio)
*((= ExTremeLy SEXY = Up EARLY 4 YOUR PleaSuRe ))))))913 605 4077 - 42
(JOCO HOTTIE.. EASY ACCESS 435&69, Kansas City)
913 565 5221. Call Me. @ MassagePlus. Forget what I'm wearing !! - 48
(Kansas City, i 435, 1-69 ks location MY HOME ONLY !)
913 565 5221 "" sexy.... sensual... sensational ....Massage Plus ", Moving Special nn - 48
(Kansas City, i 435, 1-69 ks location MY HOME ONLY !)
★★★~ Your Taste of Thailand is Here 100% Real & Independent W/ $75 Morning SOAPY Shower Special ~★★★ - 25
(Denver, Arapahoe and I-25 (NEW PIX))
★★★~ Your Taste of Thailand is Here 100% Real & Independent W/ Great SOAPY Shower Special ~★★★ - 25
(Denver, Arapahoe and I-25 (NEW PIX))
█ █ █►✿HOT✿█ █ █►✿NEW!!✿█ █ █►✿BODY MASSAGE✿█ █ █►✿ Experience Like No Other! ✿█ █ █►✿HOT✿█ █ █ - 25
(Flint, 69 exit 135)
👌Personalize your massage with a Target Massage; your time with us is important! 💙🎀 - 24
(Dayton, Dayton Ohio)
Let us EXPLORE, Unwind, & LET LOOSE with OUR hot Tasty RuBDoWnS! - 69
(Columbus, ☆☆M y ♡♡P L A C E ♥ ★★ Or 2 U☆☆)
--I☆☆'m a Romantic☆SeXY,☆ NauGhty-Gurl!! 2 HoT 2 HaNdLE+Exotic Eruption - 69
(Columbus, EROTIC♥Pleasure incall. or. outcall)
^*^*BODY RUBS, Erotic Adult Pleasure & Awesome Candelight to SET the MOOD!!^*^* - 69
(Columbus, my place or yours! Sneek Away 2 me!!)
•: ;:•: WE WANNA :•: &;:•: MAKE YOUR :•: JAW DROP :•: * $175 2 GiRL sPeCiaL ))) - 69
(Columbia, in calls and out calls)
Wednesday's Wonderful Feelings with Amazing as Angel +Leaving Happy Always 8pm - 69
(Detroit, 19 mile near Garfield- clintontwp)
Thurs Terrific Ways to Feel with Sexy as Angel +Leaving Happy Always 2pm late appt taken @5pm - 69
(Detroit, 19 mile clintontownship near Carlye apts)
Thursdays terrific Feelings with Sexy as Angel+ leavin Happy Always 2p til 6p - 69
(Detroit, clintontownship)
Tuesdays Terrific Feelings with Sexy as Angel = Leaving Happy Always 130pm til 6pm - 69
(Detroit, clintontownship by Macomb College)
Tuesdays Terrific Feelings with Sexy as Angel 24/7 All Week + Leaving Happy Always - 69
(Detroit, Partridgecreek mall area- clintontwp)
Super Satisfying Saturdays with Angel=Happiness 4 you COME NOW til 6am - 69
(Detroit, Near Caryle apt 19mile= Clintontownship)
Tuesday's MUST SEE.5 Star performance with Amazing as Angel 24/7 All Week +Leaving Happy Always - 69
(Detroit, 19 mile near Garfield- clintontwp)
Terrific Tiingling Times with Angel Sorry I had wrong# posted over weekend 130p-530p - 69
(Detroit, Near Caryle apt 19mile= Clintontownship)
Stressed or just want a GREAT FEELING= Angel Heaven Sent NOW-1am - 69
(Detroit, Near Carlye Apt= Clintontownship)
Tuesdayss Terrific Feelings with Awesome as Angel +leaving Happy Always 24/7 - 69
(19 mile near Garfield- clintontwp, Detroit)
Tuesdays Terrific Feelings with Awesome as Angel 20 off hour + leaving Happy Always 24/7 - 69
(19 mile near Garfield- clintontwp, Detroit)
Super Satisfying Sundays with Angel=Happiness 4 you Now-1pm - 69
(Detroit, Near Caryle apt 19mile= Clintontownship)
T.G.I.Fantastic Fun Freaking Friday with Sexy as Angel + leaving Happy Always 9am to last appt 5pm - 69
(Detroit, 19 mile clintontownship Near Carlye apts)
Thursday's Terrific Feelings with Amazing as Angel +Leaving Happy Always All Week24/7 - 69
(Detroit, 19 mile near Garfield- clintontwp)
Making Mondays MEANingFUL Pleasures with Angel= Happiness 4 YOU!! 9a-7p - 69
(Detroit, Near Carlye Apt= Clintontownship)
Making Mondays Matter with Angel= Greatness Sorry I had wrong# posted over weekend - 69
(Detroit, Near Caryle apt 19mile= Clintontownship)
July Angel last month 4 new clients Come experience Greatness+Leaving Happy Always - 69
(Detroit, 19 mile near Garfield- clintontwp)
Mondays Marvelust Feelings with Amazing as Angel +Leaving Happy Always 24/7 - 69
(19 mile near Garfield- clintontwp, Detroit)
Monday's Magnificent Feelings with Amazing as Angel +Leaving Happy Always All Week24/7 - 69
(Detroit, 19 mile near Garfield- clintontwp)
I'm Glad I found Angel I love the way she makes me FEEL, Always. Monday 9a-5p - 69
(Detroit, Near Caryle apt 19mile= Clintontownship)
Making Mondays Matter with Super Skilled as Angel+ leaving Happy Always 24/7 - 69
(19 mile near Garfield- clintontwp, Detroit)
I'm Glad I found Angel I love the way she makes me FEEL, Always. 130p-6p - 69
(Detroit, Near Caryle apt 19mile= Clintontownship)
I'm So GLAD I found Angel She's AWESOME thats the way she makes me FEEL 2=GREATNESS. - 69
(Detroit, Carlye Apt= Clintontownship)
Happy Pleasures 4 you ,I'm HOT & waiting = Leave with BEST feeling EVER NOW til 10am - 69
(Detroit, Carlye Apt= Clintontownship)
Fun Fridays 9am til 4am Sensual Sat 9am to 4pm with Sexy as Angel=leaving Happy - 69
(Detroit, 19 mile clintontownship Near Carlye apts)
Friday's Fantastic ways to Feel with Sexy as Angel 24/7 All Week + Leaving Happy Always - 69
(Detroit, Partridgecreek mall area- clintontwp)
Friday + Saturday Fantastic ways to feel with Sexy as Angel. Leaving happy Always til 4am - 69
(Detroit, Partridgecreek mall area- clintontwp)
Fridays Fantastic Feelings with Sexy as Angel 9am til 4am Saturday 2pm til 4am - 69
(Detroit, 19 mile clintontownship near Carlye apts)
Finally Fantastic Feelings with Angel= Happy Feelings Now- 5pm - 69
(Detroit, Near Caryle apt 19mile= Clintontownship)
Fridays fantastic ways to feel ywith Sexy as Angel. Leaving happy Always - 69
(Detroit, Partridgecreek mall area- clintontwp)
Early Saturday Satisfying Fun Feelings with Sexy as Angel = Leaving Happy Always Now til 6p - 69
(Detroit, clintontownship by Macomb College)
Fridays Fantastic Fun with Sexy as Angel+ leavin Happy Always.now til 6pm - 69
(Detroit, clintontownship)
Early Super Saturday Fun with Sexy as Angel+ leavin Happy Always.now til 3pm - 69
(Detroit, clintontownship)
Asexyolderwoman Taos Tantrica, chackra blow out , edge work, .Southfiield. Thank you! Debra Dawn - 55
All week amazing Feelings with Awesome as Angel even when not posted +Leaving Happy til 4am - 69
(Detroit, 19 mile near Garfield- clintontwp)
Angel schedule this week Wed Thurs Friday 9am til 5pm last appt taken Friday 7pm til 4am - 69
(Detroit, 19 mile clintontownship near Carlye apts)
All Week 24/7 Fantastic Feelings with Awesome as Angel+Leaving Happy Always Everyday - 69
(Detroit, 19 mile near Garfield- clintontwp)
All Week Amazing Feelings with Awesome as Angel + leaving Happy Always 24/7 - 69
(19 mile near Garfield- clintontwp, Detroit)
Asexyolderwoman Taos Tantrica, Debra Dawn in Auburn Hills 4 chackra blow out , edge work, Thank you! - 55
(Auburn Hills)
24 hours All Week More than Satisfying Feelings with Awesome as Angel+Leaving Happy Always - 69
(Detroit, 19 mile near Garfield- clintontwp)
All Week even latenight Amazing Feelings with Awesome as Angel +leaving Happy Always 24/7 - 69
(19 mile near Garfield- clintontwp, Detroit)
All Week more than Satisfying Feelings with Awesome as Angel Everyday +Leaving Happy 24hr - 69
(Detroit, 19 mile near Garfield- clintontwp)
🔲◼️◼️◼️_____◼️◼️_♥︎♥︎ ❤︎__◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️_ IN CALL OR OUT CALL LOVE JULIE _ $ 69 (917)863-3369_❤︎ ❤⬛︎ ◼️◼️◼️◼️ - 24
(_________◼️🔲◼️🔲◼️🔲◼️_______❤︎_____◼️◼️◼️, Manhattan, Midtown West)
---}----FRIENDLY ** ATTENTIVE ** RELAXATION ---}----- - 27
(Brooklyn, Bay ridge ,Brooklyn 69 str,Colonnial rd)
👌Personalize your massage with a Target Massage; your time with us is important! 💙🎀 - 24
(Dayton, Dayton Ohio)
LuXxXury Indulgence - Goregeous- Curvacious - I/C M-F 8am - 4pm O/C M-S 10am-2am - Sun 9pm -2am - 28
(38th ave and Clay Private Discreet Home)
▃▃▃▃▃▃▃💖 ♣ 💖♣ 💖 ▃▃▃▃▃▃ THE ART OF SEDUCTION ▃▃▃▃▃▃💖 ♣ 💖♣ 💖▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ - 69
~ Monday Funday i/c 11am-430pm fbsm $69 $99 gfe $169 $199 O/C 24-7 starts @ $175 - 28
(west 38th ave & Zuni)
Mon 13 Jan
New █▀▀█★█▀▀█★█▀▀█ NEW FACE █▀▀█★█▀▀█★█▀▀█ FULL BODY&MIND;, RELAXING - 99
(Honolulu (Oahu), █▀▀█near waikiki&next; C.C █▀▀█with AD$40)
✅✅▒▒ █_⭕️❌⭕️❌⭕️_█ ▒▬_______100%_GUARANTEED We R The BEST U'VE EVER HAD_______▬▒ █_⭕️❌⭕️❌⭕️_█ ▒▒ - 21
(Honolulu (Oahu), 🎀_🎀_🎀_OPEN 24 HRS. / 808.777.9077)
▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐ PLEASANT- Time ▃ JUST What YOU WANT With SWEET & FRIENDLY NEW Girl ▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐ - 69
(Honolulu (Oahu), ▃▃▃▃▃▃ WAIKIKI ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃,asia spa▃▃▃▃▃▃)