Sun 05 Jan
$$$$100$$$ SPECIAL TIL 11 AM ♥ BiG BOoTY ViSiTiNG!!! DONT MiSS OUT!! - 22
(91 fwy and beach INCALLS ONLY)
🚨 Leaving Town today ! so lets play before i depart :) 💛💝MORNING SPECIALS 💋 - 21
(North Bay, santa rosa)
💋💜 DROP DEAD GORGEOUS 💕Beautiful Bombshell👩 ➡️NAUGHTY💃👠 👄Your Dirty Little Secret... ;)👅 💋 - 21
(184th 3rd Ave, Bronx)
*ViSiTiNg FrOm Sexy~*&*~ InDePeNdEnT ...:*:... GiRL NeXt DoOr TyPe ... $ * Special * - 19
(Long Island, INCALLS)
Sat 04 Jan
☆Si Hablo Espanol☆ Sexy Blonde Latina Lexi ☆Specials☆ - 26
(Costa Mesa, Costa Mesa, Huntigton,Irvine, Newport in, Huntington Beach, Irvine, Orange, Orange County, Santa Ana)
💋🌟💋🌟❤️Seeexxyyy young wild Redhead💋🌟💋❤️ - 20
(City of Seattle, Incall in Puyallup💋Outcall anywhere, Kirkland, Olympia, Seattle, Tacoma)
WOW (( ° *NeW* *SEXxY * * *°) { SMOKiNG -:¦:- HOT}100% UPSCALE - 21
OuTcaLLS‼️ OuTcaLLS‼️ HoT sExY CoLoMbIaN aNd PuErTo RiCaN MaMi😍 New in town😋 Ready to part - 28
(ALL NORTH JERSEY, Hoboken / Union City, North Jersey)
💋LeggY Island Delight ★I'll be your weekend BounCey Bunny!💋 PetitE TReat🍡🍡 Flexible Freak💦 24/7 - 22
(North Jersey, Wayne incall /outcall 24/7)
Looking for my special someone.....I'm lonely
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Fairfield, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester)
Daphne BayBee!![* BraziiLiAn & JamaiCan CarriBean VIXXEN*] [SeXy & FuN ]( ¤1OO% HOT*100% REAL★ - 24
Discreet Asian models doing outcalls in Westchester^ ☺♥ - 25
(Westch/Yonkers/Tarytown (646-427-6986))
{{{ Leaving @ Noon }}} BBW ** Adult Ent/Model ** Sexy ~ Savannah'Rae {{ 48" Inch AZZ }} - 50
(Columbus, Leaving Soon...$100..Specials. N. 270)
------ *80$* ----- CLOSE to THe NEW CASINO !!!! ------- YOu allways win with me!!!!!! - 29
(Columbus, Columbus XOXOXO)
!! HOT --- Amazing --- MIXED --- Bombshell !! _____ SuPeR SpEcIaLs ______ WOW!!!
👠👗👠👗👠Best choice (((super hot))) Attactive Asian 24hr👠👗👠👗👠 929 522 9944 @@@ Atlantic city only - 25
(Atlantic City, South Jersey)
💓💖💓 -*-*_-** KAILANI ♒💓💖💓 ((*** 💓💟$exy_ RagiN*_ Azian💟💞🐢🐼🐳 ***)) ask about SPECIAL$$$ - 26
(Camden, iN/OUT calls most of south jersey, South Jersey)
**~** $exy Green Eye, Dirty Blonde~Fantasy ***~SUMMER~*** Let Me Be Your Hottest Fanta$y**~** - 22
(South Jersey, Deptford Area, Bellmawr, Blackwood, SJ)
******Come Spend A Good hour or Two For A Nice price !! Sexy BombShell CALLL NOWW******* - 20
SpEcIaLs 💋CaLL NoW 👋💯%REAL/ Back In Town Upscale😍Afghani N iRiSh B💣MBSHELL😘 VIP FARRAH - 23
(City of San Diego, incalls in Chula Vista;Ask For Specials)
Where's All My Squirrels Trying 2 A......This Morning? Early Bird Special's!!!!!! - 25
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas Blvd, The Strip)
___::__~* Energetic __ Brunette __ Playmate *~_ $ 100 _ Specials __ INSIDE ___
(* Buena Park Incall *)
Consummate Gratification - 24
(Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, Catskills, Chautauqua, Elmira-Corning, Finger Lakes, Glens Falls, Hudson Valley, Ithaca, Oneonta, Orlando, Nationally By Request, Plattsburgh-Adirondacks, Potsdam, Rochest)
Female Owned And Operated - Make Between $1,200 And $1,400 Per Day Escorting - All Expenses Paid!!!
(Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, Catskills, Chautauqua, Elmira-Corning, Finger Lakes, Glens Falls, Hudson Valley, Ithaca, Oneonta, Plattsburgh-Adirondacks, Potsdam, Rochester, Syracuse, Twin Tiers, Utica-)
❤❤❤️▄▀▄ ❤❤❤ Pretty asian girl waiting right here ❤❤❤️▄▀▄❤❤❤️ - 26
(San Jose / South Bay, San Jose/Santa Clara/Sunny Vale/Milpitas)
🍭🍓YuMYuM 💢 CⓞMⓔ ☆GeT🍭YoU👅 §ⓞmⓔ🍭 💞BeAutIFuL💞✦✦ AMAZiNG SKiLLS🌹•-:¦:T✪TAL ❌👊👊 KN✪CK✪ut - 21 - 21
(Long Island, Smithtown, Smithtown , Commack , Lake Gove)
🌹🍒🌷💦Wow Have you Ever 👀Seen👀 A 🐰White Girl With 👉ASSets👈 Like This☎ Call Now 📞6466177118 - 26
(Bronx, Outcalls)
UpScALe WiThOuT ThE UpSeLL . . . . . JuSt WhAt YoU WaNTeD SoMe ReAL DDDzzz - 23
(North SD County, Escondido Incalls & Outcalls)
( TATTED • Blonde • BARBIE ) 💋 ( INCALL ONLY) 1OO$ 💋 GREAT Reviews 💋 - 21
(Milwaukee, ✔️ West Allis/Wauwatosa)
❤❤❤ 100% Real Pics ❤ NEW 😍 SWEET 🍀 Like CANDY 💜 Sexy ßεαuty 👍 αvαiℓabℓe NOW 🎉 #1 Pℓαγmαte ❤❤❤ - 24
(Albany, Buffalo, Glens Falls, Hudson Valley, Incall or Outcall 💘, Ithaca, Rochester, Syracuse, Utica-Rome-Oneida, Watertown)
The Girl Next Door has Naughty Secret - 19
(Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Palm Springs, Palmdale, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, Ventura, In the city)
*NOW AVAILABLE SEXY COLOMBIANA * independent. 100% real pics.. hablo espanol - 25
(Anaheim, Orange County)
🌷🍀🌺🌼Summer Time fine🌸🌸🌸Come get a taste of this sweet 🍯🍯 at your service🌷🍀🌺🌼 - 26
(Bronx, White plains)
** SpeCiaLs** Come WarM uP with me YouR SexY SnOw AngEL... Available now!!! - 25
(Oklahoma City, Okc I-40 & Meridian)
Asian latinas 🍀🍀🍀 walk in to 🍀GraceMassage🍀 op6am Happy Staffs B2B🍀🍀🍀 ,best in OC young pretty or💲🔙 best decision or money💸 back - 19
(Anaheim, GRACE 10450 beach blvd stanton ca 90680)
$80 SpecIaL°o ☎o A CALL YOU WON'T REGRETo ☎ oCuBaN MaMi SeXy & FuN - 20
(AnAhEiM InCaLlS/OuTcAlLs(AvAiLaBlE NoW))
Ms hunny 2for1deal its the weekend!Come an have fun cal 862-823-1336 - 25
(North Jersey, Paterson/Clifton/passic)
💕 **jUST oNE dOSE oF mE wILL hAVE yOU aDDICTED** [[LEXI 💋]] SpEciALs!! ♥ ♡ - 23
(South Jersey, Bellmawr,CherryHill, Voorhees, Brooklawn)
** {YOUR}:* ☆ ¨*: {EXOTIC} :*★¨*: {BOMBSHELL}: *¨☆*: {BEAUTY}** - 22
(Seattle, In & Outcall)
★❤ (YoU WaNt It CoMe GeT It)•★• (LeT Me MaKe YoUr ) •★•°•★•(FATHERS DAY ONE U WONT FORGET)$60HH $80H - 21
▃▅▆██▆▅▃Black girl ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ 36DD ♥ AVAiL NOW ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ - 25
❤ Outcall Specials❤ 💋60 ✴ 100✴180 💋Call Now ❤ Exotic Hottie ❤ - 21
(North SD County, Oside Vista SanMarcos Esco Carlsbad)
§ p e C i a L s ♥ § i M p L y ♥ ♥ § T u N N i N g ♥ § p e C i a L s - 18
(chula vista INCALL SPECIALS!!)
N E W (SpeCials) Ex0tiC UpScale M i X e D SPECIAL ★: LOvely Mixed RedHead LATINA CUTiE - 23
(City of San Diego, priviate incall)
*👄💕💘Cupid Found your Valentine~👄💕Outs Only💕80Specials💘💘 - 20
(City of San Diego, Mission Valley, Beach Areas_Outs All Ovr)
👆👆👆🔥🔥👄Uηβεliεvεαβlε 5☆★☆★☆ Ski∫∫s 🎀 Will Drive You WILD‼️😍 ★ Sεε 4 Yσursεlf - 23
(City of San Diego, In/0ut Miramar/Dwntown/ElCajon/PB)
💋💋san jose💋💋Sexy thick latina with hazel green eyez💋💋💋 - 36
(City of San Jose, Morgan hill, San Jose / South Bay)
100% Real Sexy Dominican F.R.E.A.K!!! Specials Starting At...$$$ 5O!!! - 27
(San Jose / South Bay, Incall In Santa Clara Incall !!)
♥♥. ★☆+Skinny big busted BlonDe-'+♥. ♥ " .(760)829-2503 "When You Need Me 24/7"IN or OUTCALL - 43
(City of San Diego, Downtown east village, San Diego)
Party Party Party Upscale sexy BLONDE PlayMate #### OUTCALLS - 23
(North SD County, outcalls call now !!!!)
Face It You Know You Want MeTo Show You All The Fun Amazing Tricks I Can Do!Wanna Play! - 23
(5freeway to coast hwy by the harbor)
** ♥~ CuM *¨: PlAy *::: WiTh*::: A *:: SuPeR*:* ::SexXxi* ;~** ♥ PETITE BLONDE - 19
(oceanside (condo))
•:*~ New Arrived~140/HR 2x~Sexy Sweet Pretty Girl~34DD Miki/ TW Angel ~Good Services~:*:~~Call Now - 25
(City of San Jose, Milpitas, N.San Jose/Santa Clara, San Jose / South Bay)
Lets Play Together! I Am Ready For Fun! - 19
(East Bay, In town, Monterey, Napa, North Bay, San Francisco, San Jose / South Bay, San Mateo, Santa Cruz)