Mon 06 Jan
-----Exotic , Very Cute ..Olenka from Latvia ---- ;) Soft and Bright beauty '' - 28
(San Fernando Valley, sherman oaks")
~ FLAWLESS FACE ~ 10 + = PERFECTION ~ / Sherman. Oaks~~ Completely Stunning~ - 29
Don't forget to give yourself a special XXX treat tonight ====>>>give yourself the pleasure of ME!!!
(Tarzana/canoga/w hills/glendale/n hwd/sh)
dangerously -_- addictive- _-freak -$PECIALS ALL NIGHT - 20
(San Fernando Valley, San Fernando valley/north holly / sepulv)
Bisexual & Kinky down for good times!
(Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Palm Springs, Palmdale, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, Ventura, In my bedroom putting on a corset :-P)
🌟Adult Film Actress🌟 💁💖The Vivica Johnson💎TWO for ONE!!👑Exotic Goddess👉👌 - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Woodland Hills & Surrounding SFV Areas)
A sWeEt TrEaT.!! BuStY bLoNdE! (mission hills) LaSt DaY!! - 21
(San Fernando Valley, mission hills in/out)
:*: :*:A_b_S_o_ L_u_T_e _L_y ___ P_e_R_F_e_C_t_ ___ C_o_M_p _ A_n_I_o _N _:*: ★ - 22
(San Fernando Valley)
0█▀█▄▄█GOOD TIME o█▀▀█▄▄█ Great Service! o█▀▀█▄▄█ •★• █ BEST ASIAN IN TOWN o█▀▀█▄▄█ - 29
(Atlanta, OUTCALLS ONLY!!!!)
~~SIMPLY~~ ~~AmAZING ~APpLe BoTTom~~ "MIXED"~~ CuTiE AvAiLaBLe Now & GrEaT SpeCiaL - 21
(North SD County, Escondido in/out calls)
fun & sweet ~*StOp PLaYiNg By YoUrSeLf *(NEW VIXEN)*Im A WaRm bUSTY energizer BuNnY ~*♥´¯* - 19
(Syracuse, somewhere near you ;))
====♥ iM 0NE iN A MiLLi0N! ØN Dا & YØU'LL B HØØKD ♥==== - 22
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman Oaks fwy 405)
💋NiKkiJaY💋 [{NEW iN TOWN}] CoMe SpLaSh iN My WaTeRfAlLs💦BiGBoOtY 💋BeAuTy YoUr MaiN AtTrAcTiOn✨🏁 - 22
(San Fernando Valley, SFV/Woodland hills, Incalls&Outcalls;)
⏰TIMEBOMB💣NICKY Will💥B💣L💣O💣W💣💥Your Mind!Blue Eye Blond "DATING" 24hrs *702*TWO ONE EIGHT*7871 - 28
(Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Palm Springs, Palmdale, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, Ventura)
💞💞ATTENTION🍒 HOT NeW 🍭Sweet 🍭 Visiting For The Weekend💕Monica 💕💕5622712535💕💕 - 24
(Mission hills, San Fernando Valley)
w4m *~*~*~ SEXY ``* G.f.e.. .I.. R.. L.. NEXT DOOR *~*~* (818) 233-5370 * w4m - 29
(northridge Roscoe/ Tampa)
very BuSty____ ReDhEaD - gReeN - eYeD - BEAUTY _____ Most Requested PLayMate! - 25
(San Fernando Valley)
🌴🌺 👄 The Latina Exotic Goddess Girl 🌴🌺 👄 ROSY 👄🌺🌴 Quick 80 today - 🌴🌺 👄 - 35
(San Fernando Valley, NORTH HOLLYWOOD)
sexy godess visiting ;) perfect body ;) weekend special **** new *** - 20
(San Fernando Valley, 118 fwy/Sepulveda)
FOXY ROXY ROXY &(New) Kaylee [ In HotspringsONLY 】NO NEW CLIENTS💦💙YOuNg☆ KiNkY ☆ Dr!Pp!nG ☆ t!GhT ☆ - 20
(Little Rock, hot springs out calls onley)
New🎀Kim🔥eXOTiC 🔥INCALLS🎀 💄🎀👠 bEAUTY👠🎀💄💎( mUST sEE👀👀818 900 2243 - 23
(North Hills,Van Nuys, San Fernando Valley)
New Pics♛☆_♛S*M*O*K*I*N*G ╠╣ot! ♥ Blonde ♥ Exotic ρℓαγmαtε ♛ Real P¡C$ ★ ♛♛ - 25
(San Fernando Valley, Valencia * Castaic)
►►►►►►►►KaYLa——JuST WhAT You NeeD—— BRUnETTE HoTTiE—►►► 💋💋💋💋WooDLANDHiLLS - 23
(San Fernando Valley, north hollywood /VENTURA AVE Ic ONLY)
Japanese Mexican Dream Girl~call 4085907694~~~One of a Kind 80 speacials - 19
(San Fernando Valley, Van nuys north hills incall)
✨💋👑 iM BETTER ⬇️⬇️Than ⬆️⬆️ Her ↙️↙️&her;↘️↘️ AvailAble Now🍯👀🌹DONT MiSS 🚫UT - 19
(Canoga park, San Fernando Valley)
Asia Available Now with her new friend 💋💦. 80$ Specials INCALLS AND OUT CALLS - 19
(Rochester, Rochester NY)
❤ ❤ * HALF ARMENIAN /RUSSIAN C_U_T_i_E_ * ❤Specials ❤ 323-572-9499 - 23
(San Fernando Valley, Van Nuys -Incalls ONLY)
——— ❤ ——— █ EXQUISITE SEXY HOT ☀ Latina BUsty NEW GIRL COME █ ——— ❤——— - 23 - 24
(Van Nuys, Van nuys / vanowen)
Final hours count down last day in town busty beauty pierced 36DD In/out😍 - 25
(San Fernando Valley, Santa Clarita Newhall Valencia Sylmar)
Exotic Fit Sexy Slender Hottie ♥ AVAILABLE NOW 5 fwy ♥ in/out - 22
(Valencia StevensonsRanch SantaClarita)
[✔] CLASSY [✔] ADDICTIVE [✔] 100%REAL [✔] 10AM TO 12AM - 25
(San Fernando Valley, LAUREL CANYON 818 358 4516)
(¯`'·._:¤°·. B&;dy · oF a G88;ddess ** FaCe oF a AnGeL .·°¤:_.·'´¯) $80 incall special/ SFV - 18
(San Fernando Valley, 405FRWY EXIT nordhoff)
ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS×x ((*6O SPEC*)) xx UPSCALE xxSeXy )) xx ** 100% REAL! ** - 23
(San Fernando Valley, SHERMAN OAKS INCALL)
🌟Adult Film Actress🌟 💁💖The Vivica Johnson💎👑Exotic Goddess👉👌BEST CHOICE!!😘 - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Woodland Hills SFV areas OUTCALL)
818.395.5281** My Place or YouRs? ** ThE ExoTic,Fun,and Freaky Party GirL -- Up all NiTe !!! - 22
(San Fernando Valley, Northridge/Chatworth My Place or Yours?)
$80Specials‼️BloNde Busty 💋 FLaWLeSS 💎SmacKaBle BuBblE BoOty ♡HOT & jUiCY!♡☆Dr!Pp!nG☆t!GhT💋 - 23
(Northridge / Reseda / 118 / 405 / 101, San Fernando Valley)
100 SPECiAL*::* SUPER FUN ©:* ADDiCTiVE *:©:* PETiTE LATiNA *::* - 21
(Sherman Oaks, Van Nuys)
..::100% ..::REAL PICS::.. HUGE::.. BUSTY::.. $50::.. INCALL::.. SPECIALS::.. ALL::.. DAY::.. - 39
(The San Fernando Valley)
Yes you really can make $2,500 in a night and it be legal!! - 45
(San Fernando Valley, The Valley, malibu, LA)
__( PETITE! )—•—( HEART-STOPPiNG )—•—•—( B0MBSHELL )—•— - - - 20
(City of San Diego, City of San Diego (Incalls & Outcalls))
💋💋INCALL💜 ❥ 💗 ❤️ G▒O▒R▒G▒E▒O▒U▒S »-💕-» P▒E▒T▒I▒T▒E 💖💖💖 S▒E▒X▒Y▒»-💕-» B▒A▒B▒E▒ 💋💋💜💗 ♥❥ - 28
(Las Vegas, INCALL .WarmSprings& LV Blvd..Reviewed)
NeW 《《OPEN MINDED 》》♥《《 CuTE __ LaTinA 》》♥《《 SeXY __ BoDY == 100% ReaL PHoToS - 22
(Las Vegas, NorthWest, Out call)
Mature ..and NATURAL!...38 DDD's.Curvy! I Love to smooch.!.Incall,Outcall - 50
(East, East of the Strip, Henderson, Las Vegas, North, NorthWest, South, SouthWest)
A.M * * Early-Bird Specials * * with a BruNeTTe BOMBshell ((( Available 24/7 ))) - 26
(Portland, Portland*Parkrose area/Your bed OR MiNe)
_❤❤ FLUSHING SPA ❤❤✿✿✿ ! ! ! THE BEST ! ! ! ✿✿✿🔴☎281-895-0988🔴❤❤ Beautiful Sexy Asian Girls - 22
(4444 FM 1960 Suite 9, Houston,TX 77068, City of Houston, Houston)
😘😘New to Town... I'm the HOTTEST Thing on the Menu🔥🔥🔥 - 23
(Chicago, Lansing/Hammond/Calumet City/Dyer, South Chicagoland)