Mon 27 Jan
New Never Seen Before Lightskin Redbone - RIVERDALE RED - Pretty Hands, Feet, and Face - 21
☆[ JUICY & SWEET ]═ ☆° ═[ SEXY TREAT !! ]══ °☆ ══[ CHARMING 💋 GORGEOUS ]══ ☆° ☆ [ 36DD BOMBSHELL ] - 29
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens, OUTCALL)
~*-:¦:-*~B € ¥ Õ N Ð ~*-:¦:-*~ ¥ Õ U ® ~*-:¦:-*~ W ¡ L Ð € § T ~*-:¦:-*~ F Â N T Â § Y ~*-:¦:- - - 20
(Orange County, Garden grove /Anaheim /)
Brunette bombshell! In/out&car; av!! Don't be shy give me a try!¡!new number ext me 226-271-8828 - 25
•☆• n3w_ _Blond & Brunette- Two girl special —§PaNkABL€ BoOt¥ ♚••(SuPeR BaDD BOMBSHELL) •☆• §K¡LL€D - 19
(Bronx, white plains rd)
I Have A FeTiSH FoR Your FetiSH *** sexy Cece *** NeW Number *** 832 453 6082 - 21
▃▃Available Now.. Sexy, Naughty, ▃▃ Ready to Play!! Brunette Beauty!▃▃ - 23
(Anaheim, Orange County, Tustin, Placentia, Yorba Linda, Brea,)
:: AVAiLABLE NOW :: THE curVy BRUNETTE Treat : U :: R : craVing ❤ MOUTHWATERiNG 1oo SPECiAL - 21
(Orange County, ♥ Fountain Valley ♥)
End 2013 the right way! 👅💦Available NOW 💋 🔥 sexy BRUNETTE 😋 *💋NEW ℜ PICS - 23
(Columbus, Upscale Greater Columbus)
💥💦TuRn YoUr DrEaMs To ReALiTy 2 GiRlS oR jUst 1 YoU dEcIdE🌟dOnT mIsS oUt💦💥 - 23
(Inland Empire, Temecula/LakeElsinore/Menifee)
¤♥¤♡¤♥•=== TOTAL ===•♥ KNOCK OUT❣ ♥•=== ((( BrUneTTe BoMbShELL❣ )))===•♥ - 22
(Ventura, 💋agoura hills, newbury park, camarillo💋)
★♡Early Bird Specials Hott Brunette With Amazing Beauty And Awesome Skills Who Loves To Please★♡ - 30
(Columbus, NORTH)
*Thick Southern Playmate* Cassidy Sophisticated brunette with all the right curves! - 23
(Sarasota, surrounding areas)
CRAViNG Something ✔️✔️ BRUNETTE ✔️✔️ SEXYY ✔️✔️✔️ N.A.U.G.H.T.Y💎💎💎Available 24/7 - 21
(London, Outcalls & Incalls)
[[ available now ]] — [[ VERY CURVY ]]————[[ SEXY • BRUNETTE ]] ———EXTREMELY HABIT FORMING —— - 23
(Orange County, ORANGE 5/22 FREEWAY)
🎶(UP LATe🎶))Hottie🎀🎶💜💖🎀((Super hot Latina brunette back in town visiting)))UP LATE🎀 💖 - 24
(DOWNEY/PICO/Cerritos/whittier, Long Beach, Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, Ventura)
💎LaReina's Back💋With Her Girlfriend ZORI💋📣Unbelievable Spec📣Live 2 Girl Show👀👅💯 LETS PARTY - 22
(Bronx, Broadway,Van Courtland,Riverdale,Incalls)
¡*¤*¡Adventurous n carefree so come b with me available now for out/car calls 226-271-8828¡*¤*¡ - 26
(London, wharncliffe n comnmissioners out/car)
I'm A ..... YOUNG - HOT - WET ..... HORNY COLLEGE GIRL ..... A Total Tanned Brunette PLAY-MATE - 19
(45 S & Clearlake)
UPSCALE BRUNETTE 💕Ready to please 💕real photos 💕Limitless Talents 💕I Enjoy Pleasing YOU - 24
(Ventura, ▬█💋█❤█💋 CaMaRiLLo ▬▬▬)
NEW _ Hot PETITE BRUNETTE _ NEW *.*.__ Ashley! Ashley! Ashley! __*.*. - 21
(Bronx, WhiTeStoNe BriDgE InCaLLz /OuT CaLLz)
(Sarasota, Bradenton / Ellenton / Sarasota)
Let me get u🔥then get u💦🍬come have a sweet treat🍭226-271-8828 in/out\car let me serve u like a👑 - 26
(London, Wharncliffe n commissioners)
★ T H E »- (¯`❈´¯) -» T O T A L »- (¯`❈´¯) -» P A C K A G E (¯`❈´¯) S E X Y 🔥 BRUNETTE ★ - 26
(Ventura, Thousand Oaks- Camarillo)
~*Do you Prefer Upscale Beautiful Women?~Then You Really Need To Check Us Out!*~ - 21
(Memphis and Tunica)
Super soaker🌹😘..italian brunette..specials!! - 23
(Incalls prov/johnson outcalls everywhere, Providence, Warwick)
**** I Have A New Look ( Your BRUNETTE Playboy Bunny At Your Service ) - 23
(Houston, Your Place (Houston Area))
uP aLL NiGhT !!💃💕 Gorgeous Latina 💕💃 NaUgHtY and NiCe 👅💦U - 21
(Ventura, Ventura Oxnard Camarillo 101 FWY)
💥💦TuRn YoUr DrEaMs To ReALiTy 2 GiRlS oR jUst 1 YoU dEcIdE🌟DoNt MiSs OuT 💦💥 - 23
(Thousand Oaks Incall, Ventura)