Sat 04 Jan
»-♥-» DaNGERoUSLY __________ ★°. [Addictive] .°★ _________ BOMBSHELL »-♥-» - 22
(Milpitas (237) Calaveras Incalls)
Classy young blonde! Soft and Sensual Girl Next Door!! Low Volume! 💋 Courtney Cross! 916-705-6828 - 21
(City of San Jose, San Jose / South Bay, San Jose incall Bay Area outcalls)
{:❤ღ❤:▅▅▅▅▅▅:❤ღ❤:{ 2 Exotic Girls Aval TONIGHT ONLY :❤ღ❤:▅▅▅▅▅▅:❤ღ❤: - 24
(Kansas City, independence/blue springs/ kansas city)
!!!!!CaRMel DrEaMGiRl$ Hayward $$ SPECIALS$$ - 25
(San Jose / South Bay, Hayward,San Leandro,Union City)
W . O . W Have U Seen HONEY??? ToTaL KnoCkOut !!! CurvY YES A ~ Party Girl !! - 21
(Long Island, Commack.Ronkonkoma >IN & OUT All Over)
😘😘 Ultimate Sexy Long Legs Luscious Curves Exotic Playmate😘😘 - 26
ThE VeRy BeSt Exquisite ° ° BLUE eYed FreAKy RedHead # 1 choice **1oo$ SpEcIaLs** - 20
(Kansas City, K/a/n/s/a/s CItY)
Thickkalicious Thursday100roses Incall$pecial - 30
(Kansas City, KC/SouthKC Stateline& Surrounding In/Out)
Hi it's the sexii Hannah ready to have fun! - 23
(Columbus, Discreet Safe and cozy place in Columbus)
9/15 MILF Professional JAPAN Lady #408-598-6203# Real Pics*IN CALL only - 45
(Sunnyvale, Santa Clara Sunnyvale)
40Qk Naughty but Nice WeekDay Specials! Don't Miss Out! 100% Me or its FREE! Incalz ONLY! - 24
(San Jose / South Bay, south san jose)
ThE special BLondE eXperience~*~special*~ TempoRaRiLy YouRs ~*~ CaLL 303-588-0539 - 28
(City of Denver, Denver, Denver area,Aurora)
have u try a west african before? 2 sexyy & sweet.. 100% real picz. if not me u get 2 session free - 24
(Denver, Aurora & surrounding)
Looking 4 ME...Come Get It While You Can... DON'T MISS OUT - - 26
(Columbus, out calls any where.....)
UPSCALE LOCATION ❣️ BETTER 💕 Than 💕The 💕 REST 💕 Sexy Lexi 😘 - 23
(Mission valley, San Diego, South SD County)
_W_A_N_N_A__ *H_A_V_E* -S_O_M_E *R_E_A_L_* F_U_N? - 20
(All Of SD,Gas Lamp,Mira Mesa,Pointloma)
OuTcALL _ - _ SPeCiAlS _ - _ #1 BlOnDe HoTTiE _ - _ OuTcALL _ - _ SpEcIAlS _ - _ 24/7 - 20
(City of San Diego, San Diego Outcall)
💕Gorgeous Blue Eyed Blonde BombShell === 💕 Special Available Now!!📞*° - 19
(City of San Diego, San Diego El Cajon blvd InCalls)
_ _ _ G_ O_ R_ G_ E_ O_ U_ S__ _ _ _ ((EXOtIC))_ _ _ A_ _ S_ _ I_ _ A_ _ N_ _ _ _ _ _ - 20
(San Diego, MiRAMAR/POWAy-OutCaLLs ALL S D)
G O R G E O U S _____ ASIAN _____ 115lbs _____ 5'4" .......... SWeeTESt Girl Ever - 21
💋aVaiLaBLe💎 ThE nEw INDICA ♥ BaBy bLuEs ✨Discreet 💖OUTCALLS 💖💖 bLoNdE bAbE 💎💋 - 22
(City of San Diego, ALL OVER SAN DIEGO)
(626)=428=5252= ❀ █ ▓ * ❤.•.• — °*°— N-e-W — I-N — T-o-w-N — °*°— Love of Asian Baby — °*°— ▓ █ ❀= - 22
(North SD County, Oceanside/Encinitas/Carlsbad)
Allison Banks ----- Your Ultimate Indulgence ---- French Beauty - 19
(San Jose / South Bay, Santa Clara / Sunnyvale - Milpitas)
((Last Night)) ((New Ebony BombShell)) ((" Super Sxÿ Playmate")) - 24
(San Antonio, Ingram park mall)
Out call special🌝Up All Night 🌚💋Leaving soon❤💋Super sexy - 23
(Milpitas, San Jose / South Bay, San Jose Airport, Campbell, Santa Clara)
♥ G _ (♥) _ R _ G _ E _ (♥) _ U _ S ♥ LaTiNa* - 22
(Sunnyvale, UpscaleSantaClara Incall.Outallover)
**~~ ST0P BY F0R SUM M0RN!NG BRE@KF@ST Th!s L!GHT BR!GHT Mami Will Make UR day !!!! - 21
(Bronx, bronx incalls only)
start ur day with*-:¦:- Hot *¨¨*-:¦:-* Flawless _-:¦:-_ Perfection *¨¨*-:¦:-* incalls! - 20
(City of San Diego, college grove)
°°♥ ° :¦:- SpEciAls -:¦:- ThIcK -:¦:- BlOnDe -:¦:- PlAyMatE -:¦: °°♥ ° - 20
(Point Loma // Your Place)
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥SEXY !! PeTiTe!!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ I PLeasE... I DonT Tease!!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ - 23
(City of San Diego, To Your Place!)
Sexy Fun Italian Brunette Doll With 100% Real Big REAL Perky Boobs Eager To Please - 26
(City of San Diego, mission beach)
***%** Sexy Full Figured w// DDDs)))) Real Mans Woman.. ONE hundred Kisses Special !!!! - 36
(City of San Diego, Sports Arena Area Incall/ Outcall all SD)
NEW 🆕🆕🆕**120/160/250** SEXY LEXI bombshell 🌴💕🌴💕 - 20
(City of Sacramento, Sacramento, Sacramento/South sac)
IF u Kiss My Neck..I am Not Responsible For What Happens Next!! - 23
(San Jose / South Bay, San Jose Ins & Outs)
I Want To Be Your Today...Your Right Now! - 24
(Bay Area, City of San Jose, San Francisco, San Jose / South Bay)
VISITING ▐ ►▐ ▐ ►❤ EYE C@NdY▐ ▐ ►▐ ▐ ►❤ SEXY SPINNER▐ ▐ ►❤▐▐ ►FILIPINA▐ ▐ ► ▐ ►▐ ▐►❤ NeW HOTTIE - 22
(Santa Clara, Lawrence Expressway)
🎀 the BEST experience 🔥hot like fire 🔥SOFT curvy girl 💋JUICY BOOBS 💋 naughty ways 🎀SpeCials speCials - 24
(San Jose / South Bay, $100 Outcall Specials)
SWEET N SOFT SPA🔥 Hot 🍒 & 🔥 Sweet 🍒 Candy ! ( o )( o Yum ! 🔥Cute Asian Co Eds at 🔥 - 21
(San Jose / South Bay, 3005 Silver Creek Rd,#212)
Specials*** Be AuTiFuL *** (MIXED)) *** PLaYm aTe *** - 23
(Mountain veiw..sunnyvale...(incalls)only)
SpeciaLs * ____160Hour _____ (( AVAiLABLE NOW )) ______ * SpeciaLs * - 20
(San Jose / South Bay, SAN JOSE /SANTA CLARA)
❤ •:*:• ❤Sexy Mature Asian Susana~~GOOD SERVICES!~~(Real Pics) ❤ •:*:• ❤ - 25
(San Jose / South Bay, N. San Jose / Santa Clara/Milpitas)
@@@@@@ Sexy Asian Girl Bobo ~~~ HOT! HOT! ~~~ Call Me 408-907-5683 Outcall Only @@@@@@@@ - 22
(San Jose / South Bay, Outcall Only)
Naughty Fire HOT RedHead***Specials* 80$💋 - 25
(San Jose / South Bay, Santa Clara, Santa Clara/Sunnyvale)
(Monterey, Seaside /Monterey Area)
*~* F-I-L-I-P-I-N-A *~*_*~* A-M-E-R-I-C-A-N *~*_*~* S-W-E-E-T -H-E-A-R-T *~* - 21
(San Jose / South Bay)
.:*. CUTIE :*. OF:*. YOUR:*. DREAMS:*.: - 19
(San Jose / South Bay, Santa Clara, San Jose, Milpitas)
*** Call 408-907-7677 &&&&& Korean Friendly Lucy Outcall Only &&@@!! - 22
(San Jose / South Bay, Outcall Only)