Mon 27 Jan
★L A S T__N I G H T____I N____ T O W N★S€XY BiG B00TY 2 W0RSHiP★SLiM WAiST CUTiE - 22
(North Jersey, ALL OVER NORTH€RN NJ)
Temptress Escorts Seeking Attractive Females. Earn Thousands Weekly. Start Immediately. - 22
(Columbus, Columbus and Mansfield Areas)
l ❤ MIXED Beauty 💋💋 BUSTY Vixen ** ❤GORGEOUS JUicy 36DDs ❤ PARTY DisCreet - 25
(North Jersey, NNJ and central OUTCALL)
~ All Expenses Paid - Professional Management - Guaranteed Safety - $1,500 Per Day!!! ~
(Alexandria, Baton Rouge, Houma, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Monroe, New Orleans, Shreveport)
K•¡•N•k•¥ •—• ©UT¡€ Incall Specials• 100% • G U A ® A N T € € D • P L € A S U ® E Sexy Blonde ooooh - 21
(North Jersey, Newark/Elizabeth Airport Rt 1&9)
@@@@..K@ndiCE, UR Booty-lic-iou$ EbonY F@nT@sy ,A very Fre@kY GurL.... BabY ..@@@@ - 26
~*((*Perfect 10 PlayMate *))*~ ~*((* Exotic Hot SeXy*))*~ ~*((* Will make you melt *))*~.. - 26
【KiLLєR 💋 CuRvEs】💕【HUGE 💋 B00b's】💕【cUτє 💋 FαCє ... SPECIAL 80 🌹🌹 - 19
(North Jersey, Secaucus, Meadowlands)
Mya Hot and Ready Outcalls 💦💦😻😻💦💦3139786297 - 22
((Outcalls only ) DETROIT ONLY, Detroit, Southfield / West)
~*~LeT Me b YoUr SeXxy~ SwEEt~ HeAvEnLy~ AnGeL~* sTeP InTo My WaRm~ WeT~ NiRvAnA OuT CaLLs~*~ - 24
(North & Central NJ)
Extremely Beautiful New Russian Columbian and Italian Girls - ❤ Ask About Our Specials ❤ - 22
(Clifton Passiac Richfield, North Jersey, Paterson)
Unique and classy bitch ready for you! You will not regret it! Now is finally your chance. - 18
(City of San Diego)
Exotic Ebony Playmate Awaits!! Your Soon To Be Favorite !!!!!!!!!!! - 23
(North Jersey, Linden/ Elizabeth)
► ♥ HoT, VeRy TaLeNTeD, EXoTiC, BLoNdE w/38DD's ( . Y . ) OnLy OnE $ HuNdReD - 32
(Phx North, Phoenix)
💙 Extremely Beautiful ALL NEW Petite Sweet 💙 Italian Columbian & Venizualian Girls 💙 OPEN LATE - 22
(Clifton Passiac Richfield, North Jersey, Paterson)
▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ ✘ℴ ❤ ✘ℴ ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▐▐▐ EXOTIC ▐▐▐ ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ ✘ℴ ❤ ✘ℴ ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ - 25
(North Jersey, CLIFTON)
Up All Night Come Indulge In A Little Late Night Bliss With MS CRYSTAL RAINE!!
💖💗👅Mz Cheeks 🐱🐱 Sunday 50$ money Specials👅 Outcalls#3138264337 - 23
(Detroit, Detroit outcalls, Downtown)
__M __y__ *__P __a__ n__t __i__e__s __* W__a __n__n __a __*__ C __o__ m__ e__ *__O __f__ f __ - 23
Busty Hazel Green Eyes ... Caucasian Mix :: Sherman Oaks :: 818-745-6869 - 20
(San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles)
Friday's Special 💋Dream 1 night left 🚚😘🌹🌹specials 💦Trucker Friendly 🚚😉 - 22
(Knoxville, Knoxville,Maryville,oak ridge Alcoa airp)
Lunch Specials For My Working Men SO.... Come Out To Play With A Beautiful Ebony Model - 23
Ever felt skin So SOFT=ON= A ((Body)) this BeauTiFuL = GoRGeouS GiRL (((SeXXXy aS H.E.L.L)) - 24
(secaucus///harmon meadows)
FiFty. 😘FrEak Me Baby😗💙💙💙 Caramel Beauty💚💚 👄👄👄Let Me Lick U up n 👇😛😛 - 24
(Columbia, My place/bush.river)
🍑 Mrs Berry 🍓 your exclusive fantasy Thick Redbone 🎆30ss top 🎆 Incall- 2486367301 - 21
(8 mile and Dequindre incall, Detroit, Downtown)
Looking for a girl .... who is up for anything? .... .... Let me by your Boy Toy every night - 24
(Denver, Denver and surrounding areas... I travel)
Fake picture Post About Girls Using Fake Pic Is A Scam To Get Girls To See Him 4 Free Or Ruin Them - 88
Love 🍰 well.... SEE ME!! Sammy Cakes👑 Big Booty BBW 40$$ specails. - 21
(Aurora, Denver, Incall Aurora)
🍑 Mrs Berry 🍓 your exclusive fantasy Thick Redbone 30ss top 🎆Ask about Duo🎆 Incall- 2486367301 - 21
(8 mile and Dequindre incall, Detroit, Downtown)
**DOUBLE** your fun with 2 stunning BBWs THIS MORING! - 26
(North Jersey, saddlebrook/lodi/garfield/wallington/hac)
1000%Real Deal..No whammies DDream💤100incall special �💎in call $pecials - 22
(Louisville, Louisville area)
1000%Real Deal..TEXAS GIRL 👧 OUTCALLRainy special💤100 $30MINS OUTCALLSpecials💦🚚Trucker FRIENDLY - 22
(Louisville, Louisville area New Albany st mattews sh)
1000%Real Deal..TEXAS GIRL 👧 OUTCALLRainy special💤100 $30MINS OUTCALLSpecials💦🚚Trucker FRIENDLY - 22
(Louisville, Louisville area New Albany st mattews sh)
Visiting Friday 17th-21st -36DDD Tall Blonde Beauty Lauren-38yo - 38
(Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA)
E✘тя℮m℮LY FREakY 💦💖GEORgouS Face TO MaTCH💦SeXY Hottie ParTY GirL🍹FreaKY SExY!!! MuSt See!!🍹🌹💕 - 25
(North Jersey, Outcalls Only💦Sexy party girl available)
Detour my way _Thai _ Heat_Filipina _ Tropix _ Exotic _ Treat - 29
(North Jersey, Parsippany, Morristown, montville)
DAZZLiNG •**x**• ItAliAN •**x**• KN0CK0U† • CAN† G0 WR0NG Wi†h M£ • S£XY WK£ND SP£CiALS - - 21
(Central Jersey, SoUtH BrUiksWiCk// PrInCeToN Ee)
{{{{{ {{{{{ {{{{{ {{{{{ LET ME BE YOUR GUILTY PLEASURE }}}}} }}}}} }}}}} }}}}}
(denver metro anywhere)
?» ?» ? DEFiNiTELY ((ONE)) OF-A-KiND!! ? «? «? A LoVeRs DREAMGiRL !* =$80 SPECIAL - - 21
(1 & 9 JERSY CITY)
DIVORCED CAUCASIAN MILF Returns-" Sincere Lover-outcalls.💟💟🆕🆕 PHOTOS ADDED.🌹🌹 - 45
(MOST OF NJ/NY- sometimes PA., Newark, North Jersey)
Let me seduce you this morning! look no further im what you need! - 35
(Denver, lakewood incall only)
❤DDD 👀👀👅💋100% Satisfaction Is a MUST! Sexy Smooth💋❤ BUSTY EXOTIc Mix 😘😘REAL PHOTOS! 💯 HOT&SLIPPERY; - 21
(North Jersey, North Bergen/Incall)
♥ DaNgrOuS ~ CuRvs ( 5 (☆) SRv!C ;) AmaZinG ReVieWs ** - 21
(North Jersey, <3 Meadowlands<3 (((inn Call))))
🆕BL👱🏾♀️NDE✨B 🍈 🍈 B I E S & B🍑🍑TY✅ 🌸Real Upscale Beauty🌹 🍒🍓Sweetly Stacked🏆 For GENEROUS Gentlemen 🎀💎 - 24
(Calumet Park, Chicago, City of Chicago)
Female Owned And Operated - Make Between $1,200 And $1,400 Per Day Escorting - All Expenses Paid!!!
(Chattanooga, Knoxville, Memphis, Nashville, Tri-Cities)
Come and tell me what you think 🍒🍒🍒🍒gorgeous $60 Dominican 🍓$60🍓🍓Hottie available - 21
(linden elizabeth rahway U.S 1&9 incalls, North Jersey)
Female Owned And Operated - Make Between $1,200 and $1,400 Per Day Escorting - All Expenses Paid!!!
(Chattanooga, Knoxville, Memphis, Nashville, Tri-Cities)