Mon 27 Jan
@}--VANITY FANTASIES@}-- Here To Please Your Needs What Ever They May Be. Call for Specials. XOXOXO - 20
(Atlanta In/ Outcalls)
▃❤UP NOW💥💥9.5 BBW In Town Ts Beauty💟💟💟💟💟 Very Private 💜 Extreme Party Girl 💟💟 📦📦📦 MULTIPLE 🍼💧💦💦💦💦 - 24
(Atlanta, Midtown/Blvd Area/Private Location)
💚💛 Sunday specials 💛💚 Beaverton ✅ available ✅💕 Unrushed no games ((((cfs)))) 👀 Play with me 💚💛 - 28
(Beaverton, Portland)
B ___ ____ E ___ ____ A ____ ____ U _____ T ____ ___ I ___ ____ F ___ ___ U ____ ___ L IN TOWN! - 21
STUNNING B U S T Y -:¦:- ItaLiaNa :¦:- ••••• ExoTiC CurvEs ••••• SOFT & SenSuaL - 23
(Portland, SW Beaverton)
Visiting NOW! West Coast Chocolate Down To Earth Gorgeous Busty,Big BootyVersatile Freak Google Me - 27
(Atlanta, I-285/smyrna)
(((( SPECIAL ))) Breathtaking>>> Addicting>>> Brunette Bombshell (((( SPECIAL )))) - 27
(Beaverton Incall)
Ssshhhh Baby I'm here Now......Come with Me its Time to Play...... - 24
(Portland, Gresham,Troutdale,Se Portland)
Specialz! ** with a 100% SATISFYing BruNetTE BOMBshell ** Specialz! (( 24/7 )) - 24
(Portland, Portland*Gresham*Clackamas*Vancouver)
ts nicki in atl website verfication 48inch booty 973-341-0606 - 25
(Atlanta, my place midtown 75northside drive)
SpAnK mE aNd I'lL bE tHe NaGhTy SlUt u LiKe ( Chocolate BunnY)!!!!!! - 20
(SE 120/160 ask about 100 special)
****** S=T=U=N=N=I=N=G * EXOTIC * B=R=U=N=E=T=T=E ****** VISITING!!!! - 21
(Portland, Beaverton Incall/outcall)
@@!!!!**Spend Your Time Wisely with this CARMEL Creole GERMAN&Black; petite chick**!!!!@@ - 22
Get Paid Up To $40 Per Hour As A Virtual Erotic Performer In An Online X-Rated Computer Game - 36
(Lincoln, Online)
(SPECIALS!!!) REAL Girl Next Door ★ ★ HOT! HOT! HOT! ★ ★ Stunning Upscale COMPANION (CALL NOW!) - 27
AnGeL FaCeD BlUe EyEd BlOnDe AvAiLaBlE FoR OuTcAlL ToDaY!!! UpScAlE AnD UnRuShEd - 27
(Houston, OUTCALL)
SPECIALS NOW AVAILABLE!!! Young, Hott, Sweet & .New in Town! Meet Amber;) - 20
(Portland, Clackamas/SE Portland)
SPECIALS!!! ° Happy Hour Specials Till 4::.. .. Sexy Ebony Treat ¤°¤ SPECIALS!!! - 22
(Portland, Beaverton (Incalls))
Beauty makes $$$$ ___ start making money today! $$ ___$$ Open positions available!! - 20
✖✖✖ StaRt the WeEkENd eArLy WiTh aLIcE ✖ hot, SeXy, oPEn-MinDEd ✖ InCaLL aVaIL now - 30
(Portland, Mall 205 Area)
☆☆☆☆☆ Specials Specials ☆☆☆☆☆ Come over & endulge in quality one on one time ♥♥♥ - 24
(Portland, Portland Airport Area//Hablo Espanol)
★SPECIALS ★ PERFECTiON AT IT's FiNEST!!..A MUST SEE!! Well Reviewed - 22
((( (( SOMeTHING YOU GOTTA SEE)))) **_((NEW_*_ LOW _*_ RATES)) _**__ ((( LEAVING SOoN)))) _____ - 28
☆★ *|| SOFT-TOUCH ||* __ *|| B U S T Y ||* __ * || SENSUAL BOMBSHELL || * ★☆ - 30
(Portland, in-call/out-call)
Here a short time✨ sexy salvadorian babe ✨ Hurry & get your Spanishfix🔮 Si hablo español - 23
((0C YourPlaceOnly)⚠️Leaving Friday, Omaha)
‼️SPECIALS‼️ 💋💋BLACK N ASIAN🍫🍫😍😍 -- **In Town All Day & Night**😏😋💛💋 ‼ - 21
💋 FaLL 🎊iN 💞LoVe 👯WiTh ℳγ 🍉Jμ¡©¥ 🍭gRiP ⭐MiNd 💨BL¤₩¡NG 👅LiPs & 👣ToE 🎀CurlingTriCkS🍯🌸 - 20
(Omaha, Omaha, Council Bluffs, Lincoln, Gretna)
Dominicana 💜💜caliente💜💜outcalls 3477246298only $60$80$100$$150$💜💜 - 25
(corona queens $$60$100$150$, Queens)
Totally Passable Tranny. Let Me Be Your First... - 19
(Grand Island, Lincoln, North Platte, Omaha, Scottsbluff)
__________ Hot _____ & _____ Classy _____ Blonde _____ Ready _____ 2 _____ Play __________ - 26
(Atlanta, Cobb Galleria are Incall)
________ ° ♥ ° SM¤KIN H¤T ° ♥ ° _________ Available All day 80 Incall Special - 22
(Incall/Outcall POrtland Area Only)
Should I come to TOWN Today it's Dec 18th call before NOON to let me know! - 26
💖💖💖💎💎💄💄💄 SPECIALS💄💄💄💎💎💖💖💖 Come Indulge In My Sweetness 💖Your Fantasy Girls BACK
(Medford, medford/surrounding areas)
SPECIALS °*• 100$ out calls near pdx SPECIALS °*• SEXY •*° Blue eyes °* AVAILABLE NOW•* - 24
(Portland, PortlAnd airport , vancover, beaverton)
SPECIALS ALL DAY•°o☆ Y♥U WILL L♥VE WHAT I DO ☆°o*•° S♥xy Ex♥tic Mixed God♥ss ☆°o*•°NEW - 20
(Portland, PDX Airport INCALL)
❌⭕❌⭕❌⭕❌⭕ ❎❎❎🐰🎀 ☎️📞☎️📞☎️ 💕💭💕 Special ‼️ 1⃣0⃣0⃣PERCENT❌⭕❌⭕❌⭕❌⭕ ✅✅✅🐰🎀 - 22
(Beaverton Tigard Metzger Farmington Hill, Portland)
😍😍Something new! 👄Mesmerizing🙋🏼 & 👅Unforgettable Exotic babe - 23
(Pdx airport in call out call, Portland)
[[ HOT]] ♥ [[ - ASIAN KNOCKOUT- ]] ♥ [[ FREMONT]] - 21
Specials ★•°° (Y_O_U_R) °°•#1★•°° (S_E_C_R_E_T - 22
(Portland, Airport incall $100hh valintine special)
specials all night give me a call !!! - 19
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, anywhere you want me!)