Thu 02 Jan
( BAD )( E X O T I C ) ( DOMI NICAN ) ( B I G ) ( B O O T Y ) ( FR3 @K ) - 24
Exotic Asian Party Girl🍃 💨 New in Town only here for the weekend - 23
(Hoboken / Union City, Ins and outcalls, North Jersey)
💕💕💕Amazing Asian $130 Nuru Special! 💕💕💕 College Japanese Exotic Companion 💕💕100%Real - 22
(Northern Virginia, Reston 💕Herndon 💕 Dulles 💕Sterling)
ExOtIc HoUr GlAsS fIgUrE 8 BbW! EnD oF $UmMeR $pEcIal$! QuAlItY SerVicE!! 201~496~9565 - 25
(North Jersey, Enlgewood/FortLee/Hackensack/Teaneck)
Exotic »»Busty - »»GORGEOUS »» Pretty »» LATINA »» Beauty - 23
** █ ☆ █•: ▀▄•♥*AMAZING**== Beautiful Face == Japanese Girls == Hottest == ** █ ☆ █•: ▀▄•♥ - 24
(Northern Virginia, Herden / sterling)
E✘тя℮m℮LY FREakY💦💖 $70 SPECIALS🎉GEORgouS Face TO MaTCH💦ParTY GirL🍹INCALL ẠvailabLE🍹🌹💕 - 25
👋End The Year With A Goddess💋Homewood 🏆 Championship Service 💋 CALL NOW 💥 - 20
(North Jersey, ° VISITING Clifton AREA° incalls°)
~~~ ~~~ ✱ Enjoy fun together with me I'm beauty and charming girl ✱ ~~~~ ~~~ - 20
(North Jersey, Outcall To: Montclair Nutley Clifton)
$80 SPECIALS ____ * SEXxY ________ ((B L O N D E* _______ *SPECIALS* )) *____ SPECIALS - - 23
(Northern Virginia, ALEXANDRIA/ LANDMARK 60/100/200 INCALL)
♥♥ Exotic Busty Beautiful ♥♥ Real Pics & Real Sweet Call Me ♥♥ - 25
(North Jersey, secaucus/meadowlands)
♥AbsoLuteLy AmaZing ••➤ Asian ♡ Lets HaVe █ █ Fun █ █ Last Day♥ - 22
(Northern Virginia, Springfield inCaLL SpeciaL maLL area)
70/70/70 Whats Your Fantasy Let Me Grant Your Wish( . )( . )Thick Mix You will Yern For - 24
(Northern Virginia, Sterling, dulles airport IN/OUTCALLS)
❤❤ 80/100/180💕 YoUnG💕sWeeTy 💕nEW 💕AsiAN MiXeD 💕 💕❤❤California Girl - 20
(Northern Virginia, incalls Springfield/ all areas)
exotic & SWEET * * You will LOVE me ! GORGEOUS beauty * * 100% real NO b.s ! - 21
(Secaucus /Meadowlands)
°° ❀° Absolutely ° ❀° Amazing °❀ °J U S T VISITING - 20
(Northern Virginia, Sterling incalls)
((ETreMLy ))) Blonde BeAuTy (((*KiLLeR BoDy! *))) *((*LAST DAY*!!) - 23
$6اP©──ℍỚṰ & ḲЇℕḰẎ── █▒➋➍/➆▒█─$₩€ℰṰ & ṰÅ$ṰУ─█▒➋➍/➆▒█ ──ℭṲℜ℣У & ℱℜ€ѦḲẎ──█▒➋➍/➆▒█ ──✘✘✘ℭÜṰЇℰ── $6اP© - 21
~*~*~*~ 80 Special ~*~*~*~ Busty Thick Snowbunny ~*~*~*~ 80 special ~*~*~*~ - 21
(Sterling, Va Incalls / Sterling blvd)
💯💯💯Absolute BEST Don't wanna Miss Out💯💯💯💋💋💋😘😘 Real Latina BEAUTY💕💕 - 21
(Arlington INCALL ONLY!, Northern Virginia)
▊▊571 332 8621▊▊▊▊▊ ASIAN GIRLS ▊▊▊▊NEW▊▊▊▊ OUTCALL ONLY▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊ BEAUTY ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊HOT SEXY ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊ - 21
(DC VA MD :5 7 1 - 3 3 2 - 8 6 2 1, Northern Virginia)
ebony cutie with friend ; ) sugar + $pice star yr week off corrEct lol - 22
(North Jersey, 1-9 north bergan)
**55** Ethiopian Friday**55** VIP Treatment **55** Top Rated **55** - 27
(Northern Virginia, Landmark Area ...Alexandria)
{{1o0% ReaL}} ExoTiC ITALIAN EyE CaNdy °°★°° { bLuE EyEd HoTTiE WiTh a RocKiN BoDy } - 24
(Northern Virginia, ★ Rockville Md)
6 FEET TaLL BUSTY CURVY BLONDE! {{ 6'0 w/o Heels }} (( SuNDay FuNDay $pEciALs )) BOOTy=) MmMm...$80 - 25
(::*::_NW DC Downtown {NW UPSCALE}_::*)
💜💋🎀 5'10" HighLY ReVieWeD GoRGeouS BuStY Caucasian BaBe ViSiTiNG! 🎀💋💜 - 28
(Northern Virginia, Tysons Corner In/ Out - NO TEXTS!)
$6اP© ▃▅ツ▆█ €✕ỚṰЇℭ & $€✕Ẏ█▆ツ▅▃ℭℒÅ$$У & ℭÜℜ℣Ẏ ▃▅ツ▆█ℕÅṲḠℍṰУ & ℉ℜℰÅḰУ █▆ツ▅▃ℬℬ₩ ℑṰѦℒЇÅℕ ℃ṲṰЇ€ ₩/ ḂỚỚṰУ█ - 21
[[1oO% ReAL ]] ★ [[ ß U § ¥ ]] & [[ ß U i FUL ]] ★ [[SuPr FL¡RT¥]] - 22
(Dullas airport)
$120-30min ♥BRAND NEW 💚hazel eyed CURVY WHITE GIRL 😍 ♥ ☜ ‼️ AVAiLABLE ⏰[ 2 4 ] H0urs.. 🇺🇸 - 22
(Dumfries incall -QUANTICO- 234-95, Northern Virginia)
$160 Flat Fee Blonde Grrrrrrr !! Sandy (Finally A True Housewife) Mature Sexy Desirable - 33
(glebe rd/Arlington)
100% pur3 l¡p services 120hr w/ 3®d inc or both us 240hr - 21
(Northern Virginia, rite next to beltway ( both us 170hh))
1 oF a Kind! -*- Gorgeous Brunette Ready For Some Fun! -*- sPeCiAlS AvAiLaBle - 25
(Northern Virginia, Alexandria)
100% Real. INCALLS UpScale Sexy College Spinner! Loves To Party!😍😘💋💕 - 21
(Northern Virginia, OUTCALLS/Fairfax Incalls)
$100.00 Incall 🏃🏃 "Where have you been all my life?!" Is what they all ask!..😜 $100.00 Incall🏃🏃 - 19
(Northern Virginia, Seminary Rd (Alexandria) $1OO.OO)
⭐️⭐️ Irresistible 🌸 Sizzling Hott ✨ Thai Asian Knock Out ⭐️⭐️ - 22
(Alexandria in/out, Northern Virginia)
‼️╔══════ ★ ...�#1 Pick ⎷ ⎛..🅽🅾🆃🅷🅸🅽🅶'🆂 🅱🅴🆃🆃🅴🆁 ★ ═══════╗BADDEST BBW▬❤ - 24
(Northern Virginia, Sterling Dulles Airport Area)
100% Real ⭐️ ((Ebony BomBshEll 💣❤️)))Call Now☎️New Pics cHeck {me ! } oUt nOw - 22
(Northern Virginia, Woodbridge rt1)
⬛️🛍⬛️🛍▬▬▬▬▬▬ ★ NEW ARRIVAL ★ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬🛍🛍 🍊 TAKE A LOOK 🍊 🛍🛍▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ★ ★ ▬▬▬🛍⬛🛍⬛️ - 20
(Herndon • sterling• Dulles • shantilly, Northern Virginia)
👄💄 K_I_N_K_Y ⭐️ T_Y_P_E 💄👄 STUNNING 🌟 BrUNeTt3💋❗️ Fetish Friendly ❗️ - 24
(Northern Virginia, Upscale incall -Manassas-Dulles)
Tall ❤️sexy 💋sweet caramel Puerto Rican🇵🇷 Let me fulfill your fantasy!! - 24
(Northern Virginia, Springfield)
👣👣👣I love to please👅👅👅🌈 very nasty specials 💦💦💦 💰💰💰 - 22
(Northern Virginia, Sterling, Herndon, Dulles, Chantilly,)
FULL BODY MASSAGE by CMT 571-354-0306 ***** - 28
(Northern Virginia, HERNDON, reston, dulles, sterling)
*Attractive * * Brazilian* Beauty * Ready to Relax YOU!! - 24
(NoVa Rt 50 & Nutley St InCaLL Til Late)
HIRING $$$$$BusY EscorT AgencY $$$$Upper Scale ClienteL$$$ START and MAKE MONEY $$$$ TODAY - 35
(Northern Virginia)
SWEETHEARTS ESCORTS*** Work With the Very BEST!!*** Established, Reputable, Honest!***Apply TODAY!!
(District Of Columbia, Northern Virginia, Work Locally, Tour or South Florida)
Your friends and family would be shocked to learn that you are reading these ads... - 35
(Northern Virginia)