Thu 02 Jan
Hot Petite Single Mommie Looking 2 Get In 2 Trouble OUTCALLS AVAILABLE TILL AM!!! - 35
(Orange County, I COME TO YOU Orange County)
%%% H^O^T %%% A^N^D %%% S^E^X^X^Y^ % I NEED IT NOW %% B^L^O^N^D^E %%% - 38
(Orange County, San Clemente IN / OUT CALLS)
~~~~~~~ HOT Beautiful Asian Girl For Your Enjoyment~~~~~ 21 ( irvine)
(405 FWY / 5 FWY Orange County)
HEY NIKKI with Best Special From OC This Is the PERFECT day To pamper Urself (714)209-1855 - 22
(Orange County, Sun&Rose; Spa #6 1714 209 1855)
H0TTiE ________ L^A^T^!^N^A^ __________ ***NOW*** ___________ Available at ____________ *JWA* !! - 19
(Costa Mesa!)
*-:¦:- *¨¨*.* *-:¦:- * GoRgEoUs EbOnY DoLL*-:¦:- * *-:¦:- *¨¨*. *100%*REAL DeAl - 22
(San Fernando Valley)
> Every Guy(( NEEDS ))** (( AfterNOON PLEASURE ))** In Their Life < (( COME )) Get Your's < - 20
>> SeXxY GoRGeOUS SWeET * * I'm Available Today!!! * I'm Ready To Ease Your Mind - 24
(Newport Beach, Anaheim, Buena Park)
◆A—L—L—O—W ———►—— Y—O—U—R ——◆———► F— A—N—T—A—S—I—E—S ——► 2 ◄—— B—E—C—O—M—E ——► A —◆— R—E—A—L—I—T—Y ► - 24
(Anaheim, |Orange County|+|Anaheim| (5))
*:*:*```*:*:* ALL NEW STAFF!!!ALL REAL PIC !!!! 714 2098023 *:*:*```*:*:* LATINS - 22
. . . . .) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) A S I A N H O T T I E !!! . . . . (NEW!) ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( - 23
(22 fwy, 405 fwy, Valley View exits)
70 SpEciAL ◆ ~~~SEXY L@TINA ———— ◆ AvAiLabLe NoW ◆ ———— STEPH - 22
(Orange County, 405 fwy/ Harbor blvd / Costa Mesa)
6ft Tall big Booty blueyed blonde MILF bombshell w/amazing curves 420 friendly outcall special - 40
(Costa Mesa, costa mesa incall and outcall special)
60 Specials NeW SEXii LiTTLE HOTTiiE - 21
(Orange County, Lake Forest Incall)
★★⏝★★ 714 ★★ 833 ★★ 3562 ★★⏝★★ Gorgeous ★ ★ Asian outcall ★ ★ Special ★★⏝★★ ➋➍☆➆ - 28
(Costa Mesa, Orange County, Outcall Anaheim irvine JW & outcall)
🌸50QV✖BIG B00Ty🏆 ƑƛϑᎤᏒᎥᎢᏋ ƑƐƮƖṨĦ ∽þεCÎALS←💣 PHAT KAT 🍇Fuℓℓ OF JUiCE♡ ℓε†S PLAy ♡ 714.249.8955 - 21
(5 FW |22 FW| BALL|HARBOR|DISNEYLAND, Anaheim, Orange County)
2 HOT 4 Clothes Strip & Assume Position 4 Ultimate 4 LATINA or ASIAN 4 Hand ~ ONLY $35 ea - 20