Mon 06 Jan
[STUNNiNG]] ★ ★ [[jUiCy PLAYMATE ]] ★[[ CALL NOW ]] - 22
(Seattle, FederalWay Incalls ..206.. OUTCALLs)
Naughty but soo nice #1 choice ❤▃▃ renton incall !!! ▃▃▃▃▃▃❤▃▃▃▃ YOUR DREAM GIRL ▃❤▃▃▃▃❤ - 22
(City of Seattle, renton incall, Seattle)
Come Get A Tasty Treat SEXY&SWEET;🍉💋👅 Sun Kissed Beauty For Your Needs🌞👑TNA Approved🍒💋 - 21
(City of Seattle, Seattle)
40$ SPECIALS Your Favorite Redd Head Is Back && Ready For Some Fun.!!! - 21
(Detroit, 696 in dequindre)
Southfield come help celebrate!You're sweet treat Sweet Sara's b*day specials! 313-828-3239 - 30
(Detroit, southfield)
★ » SuPeR FREAK « ★ » MiXx « ★ »ViSiTiNg FrOm MiAmI ****1000%REAL - 19
(San Jose / South Bay, SANTA CLARA IN/OUT 100 SPECIALS)
HOTT& TEMPTING tight goddess💦👌🙊 Sweet delicious treat READY FOR U!! Call me Now!! - 22
(Detroit, Southfield / West, SOUTHFIELD👯💢incalls)
☆Enjoy Ur week w/ a Chubby Chocolate Treat★Playtime BOYZ!!! reviewed, experienced provider!! - 28
(Detroit, Southfield in/out)
█ ▃ ▆ █ ♡HOT BUSTY BLONDE♡ █ ▆ ▃ █ - 24
(San Jose / South Bay, milpitas, san jose, sunnyvale, fremont)
❄️⛄️Cold Outside Come Warm Me Up❄️⛄️💲8⃣0⃣ /1⃣0⃣0⃣ /1⃣6⃣0⃣ SPECIAL 248-929-4545 CALL NOW - 41
(Detroit, 696/ Central Location)
BEAUTIFUL Thiick Chocolate POund CaKe..! $50$ i dont respond to texts - 19
(Detroit, Evergreen And Lyndon)
⭐️⭐️⭐️🍹🍸🍾50 special come relax⭐️ start your week right 💦💦🍆with the best provider👌🏾💦🍹🍸 - 21
(Detroit, Southfield, Southfield / West)
PANAMANIAN ▃▆▓▓❤▓▓▆▃SUpeR ▃▆▓▓❤▓▓▆▃ SExXy▃▆▓▓❤▓▓▆▃ UPSCALE ▃▆▓▓❤▓▓▆▃ FREAK ▃▆▓▓❤▓▓▆▃nO Cheap GuYs!! - 21
(Tyler, LINDALE. 5 MIN from loop 323)
DON'T Miss This🌟New in Town 🌟Flawless Snow White For Limited Time Only!!🌟 720-255-1953 - 22
(City of Denver, Denver, Denver/surrounding areas *OUTCALL ONLY*)
Mizz Bubblez is Still Here w/ Her 30 Specials & I Have Even Better Deal 4 U Fellas - 21
^^^^^^^^^^^^ Anywhere out to you 408-512-2774 ^^^^^ Busty Taiwanese Girl ^^^^^ Asian Beautiful Candy ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - 23
(Anywhere out to you, City of San Jose, San Jose / South Bay)
H I G H LY TA L E N TED ♥ H OT & R -E -A -D -Y - 22
(San Jose / South Bay)
W@RN!NG BiG Stupid PHat Azz 48"BoOTy AhEad--$10O»ALL ThiS MEAT i GOT bEhiDe ME WHO waNts A PiEce??? - 23
Puerto Rican Mami sexy bbw come spend a lil time call 9292417086 - 36
(Bronx, 169 grandconcourse area.)
💦💕💕YoUr SpaNiSh FanTasY iS HeRe For SomE Fun💦💋💦💋ThE BesT oF ThE BeSt💋💋💦💦 - 22
(Bronx, BRONX /INCALLS only)
▇♥▇▇♥▇ SoFt SmOoTh BrOwN Skin ▇♥▇▇♥▇ WiTh AzZzZ DD's ▇♥▇▇♥▇ & a BeAuTiFuL FaCe ░▓ FULL PACKAGE▓░ - 21
(Bronx, WHITE PLAINS bronx)
🎂BIG BooTY 🍌YuM❤ YuM💢 CⓞMⓔ ☆GeT🍭YoU👅 §ⓞmⓔ🍭 ✦💞BeAutIFuL💞✦✦ AMAZiNG SKiLLS - 23
(Bronx, Bronx incalls)
↪50↩HoT🔥SeXy lATiNA⭐SINSaTioNaL Skills!⭐ INCR€diBl€💋Appetite ♥SpECiaLs💥 - 22
(Bronx, BRONX AREA , 170St Jesup INCALLS ONLY)
100% *ReAl* SeXy Latin PrinceSS **** WiLl HaVe U wAnTiNg MoRe ***!!!! INcalls .. 917-442.2210 - 24
(Bronx, bx - whiteplains rd - gunhill)
U N F O R G E T T A B L E MORNING with a P L A Y F U L blonde 🍾💞 N E W California C U T I E - 24
(Lake Oswego / Tigard, Portland)
LATE Night Action with the BADDEST N DA CLUB -- PUERTO RICAN/EBONY Mixed --- ((( $70 Incall))) - 21
(Houston, $70 and Up --INCALL & OUTCALL SPECIALS)
LaTe NiTe TrEaT ★:::: ★Your N @ u g h t y Pleasure ★:::: ★CoME PlaY WiT Me 80$peciaL★ - - 23
(Houston, Reliant Area... InCaLL 610/Kirby)
♥♥♥Gentlemen In calls and Out calls.... Non-Rushed Upscale Service....♥♥♥ - 22
(Houston, 45 South Hobby Area)
100% Satisfaction ~~~ [ NEW GIRL ] ~~~ ASIAN MASSAGE ~~~ [ NEW GIRL ] ~~~ 100% Satisfaction - 26
(5003 ANTOINE DR E/713-269-1977)
Sexy Fun Skilled Babe ❤Pettit thin Curvy❤Barbie Westside ❤Sundays Specials - 22
(Detroit, Westside /Dearborn a incall avaiable now)
→→▶▶▶ NEW Girl On Bp , I'll Have Yu Calling Back For MORE , Wonderful OutCall SPECIALS AllNight.!! - 19
(Detroit, OutCalls ONLY)
*** New Location *** Sexy - Freaky - Hot FUN! Come Let Passion Take U 2 Extacy! - 20
(Detroit, Southfield In Call/Every where Out Call)
🍰🍰🍰Carmel Cake🍰🍰🍰 sexi and thick $35ss $55hh $100hr triple delight specials too - 21
(Detroit, northwestern hwy(southfield))
ComE NoW ( LoOk NO FuRtHeR ) East Tremont Freak > Speacials (Im AlWAys Up LaTe) - 21
(East tremont /come over)
Do U LiKe CuRvEs? lets play, l am the ReAl MckOy, BrOnX bEsT kePt secrect- ts juicy - 24
(l-95 exit 5-A OFF CROSSBRONX EXP)
Back In Town *****HONEY***** REAL PIC$! 100% $atisfaction Guaranteed!! Call for details - 25
(Detroit, I-94/Little Mack Roseville)
🌺 Tina Vasquez 🌺 (S) (T) (U) (N) (N) (I) (N) (G) ▐▐ ★ B_O_M_B_S_H_E_L_L▐▐ ★ VISITING!!! - 25
(Bronx, Incalls)
1OO% R E A L~~GORGEOUS💕 TALL & b u s t y DDs❣• •🎀 EXOTiC CoLOmBiAn~PeRsiAn 🎀• •💋 TiGHT & JUiCy - 25
(Detroit, INCALL Madison Height /Troy /14 I'M BACK, Warren / Sterling Heights)
~*☆*~ seXXy ~*☆*~ sEduCtiVe ~*☆*~ ALL NatUraL ~*☆*~ NeWW ~*☆*~ SpeCiaLs!!! ~*☆*~ - 21
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa/ 338 LOOP/ JBS)
☆★ ØN€ dا€ yØu'LL b€ HØØk€D [B€§† CH♥iC€] •GØRG€ØU§ B¡G BØØTY Bab€!! ☆★ - 31
(Midland / Odessa, Midland BUS 20 In/Outcalls)
[♥] K_!_$_$_A_B_L_€ [♥] € V € R Y W H € R € •*°*•★ Imaginable ★•*°*• - 21
(Midland / Odessa, odessa)
$$ SPECIAL $$$$$ SPECIAL $$$$$ SPECIAL *** 2 HOT MAMAS ***//// 201 598 0107////862 368 3639 - 38
(North Jersey, LITTLE FERRY /// RT - 46)
█ " G O R G E O U S " UNFORG ETTABLE ! $50 SPECiALS - 26
(North Jersey, CLIFTON)
(NeW) GirLs in TowN (Gfe) _________ (NeW GirLs)________ Be ThE FirST To ExPerienCE ___SpeCiaLs - 21
(Ft Laud Incalls & Outcalls Tri County)