Mon 27 Jan
LIMITED TIME!! ⌚️⏰ come see ME!😘😘Rare and exquisite treasure 💎 Promise you won't be disappointed!💯💋💋 - 23
(East Valley, Old town Scottsdale -Polite Men please)
LaSt NigHt ❤ In ToWn !! ❤❤ 2 BuStY & ThIcK ❤❤ BBW ❤❤ ALICE & LAILA ❤❤ In- Calls Only!!! - 24
(North Jersey, Fort Lee/GWB RT. 46 , In-calls Only)
Beautiful, Sexy, Hot, * My pictures are 100% accurate and amazing as in person! - 26
[ LasT DaYs CoMiNg - DoNt Miss Me] ALoT Of FuN & VeRy Op3nMiNdEd [ MaKe Ur Toes CurL] :) - 19
(Secaucus & Meadowlands Area)
Las chicas , bring isabela back , very sweet and hot girl , just$50for20min,tel 646 775 0905 - 23
(Jersey City, Little ferry and south hackensack, North Jersey)
Sexy Blond, Real Pix, Out Calls Only, If Ur Visiting Windsor , Call Me Plz! - 29
(Detroit, Detroit ( i cant host))
▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ JUST ARRIVED EXOTIC ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ FILIPINO MIX ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ PLAYMATE▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ 24//7▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ - 22
JULIA ~~~~~ ~~~~ SPECIAL 80 ~~~~ ~~~~ NEW ~~~ NEW ~~~ NEW ~~~~~ BEAUTIFUL BRASILIAN - 36
(North Jersey, SPRINGFIELD / UNION / RT 22)
Sexy College Girl, Polite and Discreet - 19
(Appleton / Oshkosh / FDL, Eau Claire, Green Bay, Janesville, Kenosha / Racine, La Crosse, Madison, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, Wausau, anywhere you want me!)
..Ms. Desiree ..All the beautiful thickness you desire.💕💕👙 - 34
(Detroit, Downtown, Romulus, metro airport, 94 at Merriman)
Mz.Ready**I'll make u wish I was yours**(specials are available) 40 ( your choice) - 31
(Detroit, East/dequindre)
💋💋👑Mz.Tasty👑 💋💋🍒Fantasy Girl🍒🚛Trucker Friendly🚛🎬Video🎬 - 23
(Detroit, Out call, Warren / Sterling Heights)
Moët 🍷 50$ss 75$hh 125$h 3137395339 incall/outcall serious inquires - 23
(Detroit, 8 mile n dequindre east side detroit mi)
Ms.Lady * OUTCALL $PECIAL$ Caramel Lips TripleDs & Booty OUTCALLS - 22
(Detroit, Specials, Outcalls Detroit)
Monica's last fantasy night in detroit! Ann Arbor here i come!! - 26
(Detroit, brightmore tonight Ann Arbor tomorrow!)
More talent than those who are OLDER. My cup runneth OVER. Let me destress you! Heal YOU. Bless YOU! - 25
*%*%* Monday * After Work SPECIAL (till 9pm) * 24/7 *%*%* - 26
(Detroit, PRIVATE RESISTANCE (8 & 94))
▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ ✘ℴ ❤ ✘ℴ ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ EXOTIC▐▐ BLOND ▐ -80special▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ ✘ℴ ❤ ✘ℴ ▃▃▃▃▃▃ INCALL ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ - 20
Exotic & Erotic stunning beauty! Romantic, unrushed. LATE NIGHT & EARLY A.M. FUN! 100% REAL PICS!!! - 27
(North Jersey, NEWARK AIRPORT luxury incalls!)
ms. red open 24 hours anytime of the day/night or morning ! (517)513-0156. 50$$ call now! - 25
(Detroit, 696 and Dequindre 24 hour!)
ExoTiC BrEaThTaKiNG PeRSiaN/LeBaNeSE _______ EXQUISiTE BeAuTY _______ 100% ReAL______ Available Now! - 24
(North Jersey, Northern NJ)
exotic colombian & european in an magic place!!!! 201-328-7408 - 22
* HoT & FrIeNdLy BlondE TotAl KnOcKoUt *** 140hr ALL NIGHT LONG! *** CaLl NoW IC/OC - 21
(West Valley, PHX IC/ OUT)
Mature Lady here to put you at ease and smile with specials 40 and up. Come and relax with a smile. - 31
(Detroit, 14/75 INCALLS ONLY!)
~ EsCapE tO AsiAn PariDisE... ~ CliCk hErE fOR ExXotic ExPeriEncE ~ - 21
(Harmon Meadows. Secacus incall)
Miss Bambi is better than ur X and better than the next! Top services r the best!! - 26
(Detroit, Downtown, east 8 mile)
Dream Girl... Gorgeous vixen at your service! Real Pics, Independent, and really sexy! - 26
(North Jersey)
Midnight Specials Jessica100hlf 150hr ┋🍭ʝυicУ🍭┋ I ♥ YOU - 25
(14/75 Madison Heights Outcalls Everywher, Detroit, Downtown)
❤️Ebony Adult FILMSTAR & VIP Companion in North NJ! 100% Real! Google Me!❤️ - 27
(North Jersey, Secaucus & Hoboken Area)
➜ ☀ © °eBoNy © ➜ ☀ © °dOLL © ➜ ☀ © °cUrVaCiOus - 23
(Newark Airport Area- InCaLL/ OutCaLL)
{{DON'T MiSS ME!!!!} } ___ *EXoTiC *SUNSHiNE* __**AvAiLaBLe [aLL] NiGhT!!!** [100,140,180 ] - 25
(*** Rt. 3 Meadowlands ***)
____ ____ Hey im back arizonas favorite number 1 choice perfect body ____ ____ - 19
(East Valley, Mesa, tempe, chandler in/out)
HaVe U eVeR HaD the WhOLe paCKaGe**take a l@@k - 51
(I 17 northern & 35th ave (in call Only), Phoenix, Phx North)
* * Lunch Buddy WANTED: HAPPY MEAL for Grown ups...Speciality & Ala Carte... !!! * * * - 39
(Detroit, W696 In &Out; avail / AFTERNOON DELIGHT)
•► L(☻)(☻)K •► 【KiLLєR💖⛅️ CuRvEs】★【★【SEXy 💋👍 BODy 👸🏾】【PerFectNinA💋💅🏾】 ✨💥REVIEWED& VERIFIED - 24
(11 mile, Detroit, Warren / Sterling Heights)
~~~Let me be your playdate this Sumday afternoon~~Sexy sweet and fun thats me~~~ - 35
(Detroit, eastside area incall)
Come explore sensation with my VIBRATING TOUNGE Ring - 24
(North Jersey, e orange/newark/clifton/nutley)
👉👉 ((CLICK HeRe)) 👌°• ❤ •° C*R*A*Z*Y 💋 S*K*I*L*L*S* 💋 HoT⚡SpeCiaLs 💋 CaLL Me 💞💗 - 24
(North Jersey, Out To You ~973.641.5373~ OutCaLLS)
Late Night FUN! Madison Hts special & STELLAR service & clean girl downstairs! Busty 36DD's & 24 24 - 20
*Leaving Soon :( * 313-221-3820 Stacey Ann ))-> Last 3 Days Around
(Detroit, (75 & Northline) Incalls Only $60 15mnz)